From Essex to Bondi…


Let me first start my explaining the name, Essex to Bondi – not that it really needs explaining. I grew up in the famous Essex in the UK with the glitz & glam and loved every minute of it – but always had that dream on living by the beach in a care-free haze with (natural) sun kissed skin watching the surfers catch a wave.

After my years on the party scene where getting a repeat performance each weekend, just with a different outfit, it was time for a change… to the beach I come. I could’t totally let go of the Essex ways, still have the highlighted hair and tan with a little bling. With working in the tanning industry in Essex, this tan wasn’t fading for a good couple of months.

I could’t wait to get by the beach but most importantly… Shop in Sydney! I followed fashion in Sydney from bloggers like Elle Ferguson & SFB (Antoinette Marie) Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival and already have my fav shops and designers before I even bought my ticket to Australia!

Anyway.. this is my blog about the fashion and style in Essex & Bondi and how they are such different places with different cultures but in matter of fact…

… they are not the different


Keep Smiling 🙂
